1998 Ford Explorer Hood Latch Diagram
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My hood is stuck!!!
- klafrance
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My hood is stuck!!!
so i did the plugs and wires on a 96 f150 the other day and while the hood was open, inadvertently latched the hood latch shut. I later closed the hood and now it is stuck shut between the closed latch and the secondary latch that you have to reach in the front grille to open. I can't get that secondary latch to undo, i end up bending the little lever rather than actually opening the hood. ANyone have a good tip for getting this thing open?
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Post by Chris Crash »
If you look in through your grill with a flashlight you can see the two bolts that hold the latch mechanism assy onto the sub-frame. I can't remember what size the are off the top of my head, and they may be metric. Just lather your hands in Crisco, grab a combo wrench, and get in there. If you try to force it you will either break the latch or, more likely, rip the sheet metal on the bottom of the hood and you'll have to strap your hood down.
Once you remove the two bolts holding on the latch assy, the hood and assy will lift up, and then you can wiggle the latch free.
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- klafrance
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Post by klafrance »
Holy useful info batman! Thanks, That was fast and diagrams too, I love this forum.
I had seen those bolts and thought about it, but wasn't sure if I should try that. One problem: I put a billet chrome grill on it, which makes reaching in there VERY difficult, but I might be able to pull it off.
I was kind of thinking that to avoid any problem like this in the future, I might remove the secondary latch altogether and find some other failsafe secondary latch mechanism. any suggestions?
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Post by Chris Crash »
The aftermarket billet grill will make it difficult, but it's the only way. A few extensions and universals on a ratchet might get it. It's a common size coarse thread screw so even if you had to stick a die grinder in there and take the heads off, the bolts are easy to find to replace.
As far as not doing it again, all I can suggest is make it part of your routine to double the position of the latch assy before closing the hood.
Either that or install a hood pin kit and use that instead of the stock mechanism.
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Post by Raven129 »
I would guess the hood latch is out of adjustment, and that is what is causing the problem. I had that happen on a Ranger, had to take those bolts out with the hood closed and put the latch back in 3 times before I got it in the right place. When you take the latch off, you will notice the holes are much larger than the bolts. This allows the latch to be adjusted up, down, left, and right.
I would avoid cutting the bolts if possible, they are actually special bolts that have built in washers with little teeth on them to keep the latch from moving once it is adjusted.
Another possible cause would be leaving tools under the hood.
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Post by Chris Crash »
Hey Raven, I'm going to respectfully disagree with you on the bolts thing. The bolts themselves are a standard coarse thread bolt, and I think the head size is 10MM. The bolts are not hardened or treated in any way. As far as the washers go, they are "anti-rotation" or "non-slip" washers. They probably have a few other names too. Again, while the OEM part was one piece, washer and bolt together, you can replace both from separate parts off the shelf at any store. You can get a dozen anti-rotation washer, toothed on both sides, for a few bucks and a half dozen bolts for about the same.
You are absolutely correct though about replacing with those washers with a like item. You don't want that mechanism slipping and coming out of alignment.
I think his original problem was something I've done before. While working under the hood, you lie across the latch and unknowingly press the latch into the locked position. Then when you slam the hood shut it'll just jam onto the mechanism.
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Post by Raven129 »
In that case, I am going to respectfully disagree with you on the size of those bolts.
I think I remember using an 8mm socket on them.
I suppose slamming the hood on an already closed latch like that would also cause it to jam up.
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Post by lupin398 »
Mine were 10mm and I used one of those gear wrenches(Like a regular wrench but the closed side turns like a ratchet) Works like a charm.
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Post by crash-harris »
Are you sure you don't just need to push down on the hood and then try to unlock it with the lever behind the grill? I've done things like this with trucks in the junkyard, I'll try to open the hood and end up bending the lever, but all I had to do was push the hood down a little and hit the lever again.
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Post by klafrance »
i slammed the hood (though not too tough, just your normal pull it down) while the latch was closed and the secondary latch was "just" long enough to catch. I removed the bolts (think they were 10mm, but can't be sure) and the whole assembly came up with the hood. Will definitely be checking that latch from here on out. Might also try the hood pins, because I like the way they look and would idiot proof the whole deal. Pushing down on the hood did no good because it was wedged in between the already closed latch adn the secondary. To think that I fussed with that for 45 minutes when the solution took 2. Shoulda seen that solution before. Thanks again folks.
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Post by klafrance »
Oh, and it was real easy to reach the bolts, the hood was up just enough and I only needed a 6 inch extension to reach it.
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Post by Chris Crash »
Glad to hear you got it up. If you do decide to go with pins, watch the quality of what you buy and do the install properly. You wouldn't want your hood coming loose on the highway, or anywhere.
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Re: My hood is stuck!!!
Post by mendoAu »
This is an old thread but was real helpful yesterday. I also shut the hood of my friends F250 after sitting on the hoodlatch. When the hood comes down it jams the safety latch into the toggle catch so tight that there is not enough give for it to release...do not pry or BANG it. Follow the steps above with a 1/4 inch ratchet w/extension and 10mm socket between the hood and framework. Works a little easier if you carefully wedge the hood up for a bit more room. Just don't make the mistake I made by removing the two bolts that you can see thru the grill. Crefully look between the hood and framework and remove the ones closer to the latch assembly. Thanks for the info guys.
- Logcabin
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Re: My hood is stuck!!!
Post by Logcabin »
Is it bad to bump this old thread? Apologies if it is but it was super helpful today, the socket extension + 10mm between hood and grill worked the treat. Got me to sign up to forum to say thanks.
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Re: My hood is stuck!!!
Post by Steve83 »
Nothing wrong with an on-topic post in any thread, no matter how old or new.
. '99 CV, '94 CV, & two '96 EB Broncos RIP
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